In a third person game you typically run around looking over the shoulder of the main character.Common examples include Super Mario Bros. Platform games, also known as platformers, have the player jumping from platform to platform, sometime performing some sort of acrobatic stunt.

You are usually the main character and are the one who discovers the true plot as the game progresses.

Adventure games are very heavily story driven.Super Mario Odyssey has the following styles of gameplay. We have guides that are custom tailored for Super Mario Odyssey that will show you the specific ports. The incoming ports that need to be forwarded for Super Mario Odyssey are as follows: Super Mario Odyssey - Switch Super Mario Odyssey artwork featuring Mario and Cappy Which Ports Does Super Mario Odyssey Require Super Mario Odyssey is Nintendo's Adventure, Platformer, and Third-Person game released in 2017. Septem(Last Updated: November 24, 2021) | Reading Time: 2 minutes